Thank you to all of the supporters who helped make the 25th Magna Wild West Hoedown a sucess!!
Saturday, September 14th
Saturday, September 14th
25th Year Magna Wild Wild West Hoedown

The Family Place is proud to be one of the recipients for this year's Magna's 25th Anniversary Hoedown 2013 event. The funds received from Magna Hoedown assists The Family Place in providing services and programs to the families that come to visit here in York Region.
To have a successful fundraiser at The Family Place, we are asking the community members in selling Raffle Tickets and Event Ticket sales through us for this years event.
Raffle Tickets are available to purchase from The Family Place.
Event Tickets will be available for
purchase 1 week only
August 10th to 17th
2012 Magna Hoedown, The Family Place is proud to be the charity that sold the winning grand prize raffle ticket.

For more information on the Hoedown Showdown, please visit
To help sell or purchasing Raffle Tickets and Event Tickets for the 2013 Hoedown, please call 905-473-5929 or email at